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Subject: Re: Next Item
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Dean Scott writes:
>ONLY problem is... he he he... the flares are WITHIN the clear
>red dome of the flasher and GUESS WHAT!!!! There's NO way
>in the world (of LW) that they'll show up IN FRONT of the reflectors
>when Glow Behind Obj. is On as is desired when they rotate
>away from the camera and go behind the opposite reflector
>BECAUSE they are in fact BEHIND the red dome object part.
>See the crude top view below:
> _______________
> / _______ \
> / \ * / \
> | \ *<---- Flares
> | ~|~ |
> | [x] |<--- Clear red
> | _|_ | dome lens
> | / * \<-- Reflector
> \ / * \ /
> \ ~~~~~~~ /
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>Anyone have a good way around this mutually exclusive lens
>flare situation?
Simple (I believe).
Turn CAST SHADOWS >off< for the dome object, and ON for the
reflector object. Lens flares always show thru objects with C.S.
off. I know because it's driven me crazy trying to figure it out
when I forget that particular, uh, "feature".
(OK, it really is a feature, but it's hell when you don't remember it!)
Of course, you may have to deconstruct and re-parent your flasher bar
to make this work.
QUESTION: Is it not practical to simply ROTATE the light rather than
using envelopes? Then you could change the camera path with impunity.